Chairman Message

                                    Chairman’s Message:-
Sarada Rice © and other brands has been working from almost three decades to provide people with health and tasty food products. We are highly thankful to the people who believed in us, supported us, and inspired us to work further, get success and provide people with the best. The motive of Maa Sarada Rice Mills and Industries Pvt. Ltd. is to set up business all over India and to serve the people with best quality food products at an affordable price. Our slogan is “Achaa Khao, Swasth Raho“© and we wish good health to each and everyone. However, the success is not complete if it is of no advantage to the nation. We are highly inspired by the ‘Make in India’ and ‘Vocal for Local’ initiative and we want to emerge as a brand established all over India by the help of the local people. We want to create opportunities for as many people and prove to be a valuable asset to the society as a whole.
                                                                                                                   Navin Shroff